

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Brunch and Blogs

Brunch and Blogs

One of my favourite things about travelling is getting to meet new people. Last Saturday, I met up with a terrific group of fellow bloggers in Paris for brunch after the lovely Grace from Besotted Grace brought us together via our Instagram connections. For me, social media, and Instagram in particular, has made the world an even smaller place, bringing like-minded people together from all over the world through sharing similar interests and slices of our lives. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet some of the great people that I follow in person. 

We met at a charming little restaurant called 'Treize - A Baker's Dozen', which is tucked away in a little courtyard just off Rue Saint-Pere in Saint-Germain. It was a lovely, cozy place to hang out while staying out of the rain as a group of six of us. We spent the morning chatting about travel, Paris, our experiences living abroad, and blogging, followed by a stroll around Saint-Germain. It was great to be able to connect with these inspiring women who I share common experiences with. Check out their beautiful stories when you get a chance:

Grace -

Silia - The Viennese Girl

Christine - 8 Rue Caffarelli

Kate - @domestikate (Instagram)

Irma - Refashion Gallery

Postcards from Paris: Sunday Morning in Le Marais

Postcards from Paris: Sunday Morning in Le Marais

Lumieres - The Play of Brilliants

Lumieres - The Play of Brilliants