

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Lumieres - The Play of Brilliants

Lumieres - The Play of Brilliants


Yesterday I had the chance to stop by the Elephant Paname Centre to see their new exhibit, 'Lumieres - The Play of Brilliants'. The exhibition has been created by a British creative agency and focuses on different aspects of light interacting with different types of sensory experiences. It's a small exhibition but powerful and worth seeing. The installations are dazzling and you find yourself hypnotized by the beauty and light of many of them. I've captured my favourites here in the photographs: the 'disco ball', the vases, the colour shifting origami triangle, and the 'rain room'. 

It's worth a visit if you are Paris before the end of May (the exhibition runs until May 31, 2015). You'll likely only need about 45 - 1 hour at a maximum but leaves an impact. You can buy tickets either online or same day (9€ full rate). The Centre is open Tuesdays to Sunday from 11am - 7pm and can easily be accessed by metro or RER. 


Brunch and Blogs

Brunch and Blogs

